Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Booking Failed

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Booking Failed

Oops, it looks like your booking failed.  This could be for a few different reasons but don’t worry, your credit card hasn’t been charged.  Your items are still in the shopping cart so if you click on the “My Itinerary” link at the top of the page then you can try to book again.  If this isn’t the first time you’ve got this message then try using a different card or contacting us toll free on 1300 739 330 during business hours or by using the form below:

Retail CustomersTravel Agents

Booking Confirmed

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Booking Confirmed

Thank you for your on-line order request from JTB Australia Pty Ltd.  You will receive an email shortly with your order details.  Below is your booking reference number, please make note of it in case you want to contact us regarding your booking.

Your booking reference number is: (Errored)

Booking Requested

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Booking On Request

Thank you for your new booking inquiry.  All booking inquiries are confirmed personally with our suppliers to ensure you enjoy a fantastic Japan experience.  Once that happens we’ll process the credit card charge and you’ll receive an email from one of our consultants confirming your arrangements.  In the mean time we’ve sent you an email with all of your booking details. A JTB staff member will be in contact with you shortly (within 1 working day) regarding your inquiry.

Your Booking Reference is: (Errored)