JTB Australia

Terms and Conditions



Privacy Policy

JTB PA Privacy Policy (Australia) 

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out the basis in which JTB Australia Pty Limited (“we”, “us”, or  “our”) may collect, use, disclose, or otherwise process personal data of users in accordance with the  Privacy Act 1988 (“PA”). This policy applies to personal data in our possession or under our control,  including personal data in the possession of organisations which we have engaged to collect, use,  disclose, or process personal data for our purposes. 

  1. Personal Data 

As used in this Policy: “customer” means an individual who (a) has contacted us through any means  to find out more about any goods or services we provide, or (b) may, or has, entered into a contract  with us for the supply of any goods or services by us; and “personal data” is defined to mean (a)  information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably  identifiable; and (b) whether the information or opinion or true or not, and whether the information  or opinion recorded in a material form or not, the information or opinion itself does not have to  identify the individual or the individual does not need to be reasonably identifiable from that  information or opinion alone but includes where an individual is reasonably identifiable by other  means or from other information reasonably obtainable when used with the information in question.  

Depending on the nature of your interaction with us, some examples of personal data which we may  collect from you include(s) name, residential address, email address, and telephone number; this list  is non-exhaustive.  

Other terms used in this Notice shall have the meanings given to them in the PA (where the context  so permits). This Code shall apply to personal data that is: 

(i) Collected, used, retained and/or deleted, whether automatically or otherwise, via the use of  electronic devices, including but not limited to computers, servers, mobile phones, USB thumb  drives; and/or 

(ii) Collected and recorded as part of a manual filing system (“relevant filing system”) or with the  intention that it should form part of the said manual filing system. Examples of this would include a  physical filing system where Data Subjects are identified alphabetically or through some other  identifier.  

  1. Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Data 
  2. We generally do not collect your personal data unless:- 

(a) It is provided to us voluntarily by you directly or via a third party who has been duly  authorised by you to disclose your personal data to us (your “authorised representative”) after: 

(i) you (or your authorised representative) have been notified of the purposes for which the  data is collected, and  

(ii) you (or your authorised representative) have provided written consent to the collection and  usage of your personal data for those purposes, or 

(b) Collection and use of personal data without consent is permitted or required by the PA or  other laws. We shall seek your consent before collecting any additional personal data and before  using your personal data for a purpose which has not been notified to you (except where permitted  or authorised by law).  

  1. We may collect and use your personal data for any or all of the following purposes:- (a) Operating our website and/or its subdomains (“website”); 

(b) Performing our statutory functions and administering our activities;  (c) Communicating with our members and customers; 

(d) Updating your personal and contact information; 

(e) Performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provisions of the goods  and/or services requested by you; 

(f) Verifying your identity; 

(g) Responding to, handling, and processing queries, requests, applications, complaints, and  feedback from you; 

(h) Managing your relationship with us; 

(i) Processing payment or credit transactions; 

(j) Complying with any applicable laws, regulations, codes of practice, guidelines, or rules, or to  assist in law enforcement and investigations conducted by any governmental and/or regulatory  authority; 

(k) Statistical, analysis, planning and reporting, 

(l) Any other purposes for which you have provided the information; and 

(m) Any other incidental purposes related to or in connection with the above.

(n) For Marketing Purposes 

  1. This Notice does not apply to aggregated information which summarises statistical information  about groups of members, and which does not include name, contact information, or any other  information that would allow any particular individual to be identified.  
  2. We may disclose your personal data:- 

(a) Where necessary to enforce the Terms of Use; 

(b) Where such disclosure is required for performing obligations in the course of or in  connection with our provisions of the goods and services requested by you; 

(c) Where the disclosure is for the purpose declared at the point of collection of the personal  data as stated in the Data User’s Privacy Notice; 

(d) Where the disclosure is for the purpose directly related to the purpose declared in the  Privacy Notice at the point of collection of the personal data;

(e) To third party service providers, agents, and other organisations we have engaged to perform  any of the functions with reference to the above-mentioned purposes; 

(f) If required by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) Conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal processes served on us or the Website;  (ii) Protect and defend our rights or property; and 

(iii) Act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Website; or  (iv) Where your consent has been obtained for disclosure. 

  1. Where your use of the Website is concerned, you acknowledge and accept that certain functions,  when activated or used by you, will operate to send or display information about yourself, including  but not limited to, your personal data to certain third parties, and you agree to the sharing of such  information with these third parties. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be held  responsible or accountable for any loss, injury, or damage sustained by you for sharing the aforesaid  information arising out of your activation or use of such features on the Website.  
  2. Withdrawing Your Consent 
  3. Where consent needs to be obtained from you, the form and type of consent that needs to  be obtained prior to processing personal data has not been specified in the Act. It is required that the  consent needs to be capable of being “recorded” and “maintained”, as such, consent may be express  or implied. Without limiting the same, forms of consent acceptable are: signatures or ticks indicating  consent, opt-in or opt-out consent, verbal consent, or consent by conduct/performance. 
  4. The consent that you provide for the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data will  remain valid until such time it is being withdrawn by you in writing. You may withdraw consent and  request us to stop collecting, using, and/or disclosing your personal data for any or all of the  purposes listed above by submitting your request in writing or via email to our Data Protection  Officer at the contact details provided below. 
  5. Upon receipt of your written request to withdraw your consent, we may require reasonable  time (depending on the complexity of the request and its impact on our relationship with you) for  your request to be processed and for us to notify you of the consequences of us acceding to the  same, including any legal consequences which may affect your rights and liabilities to us. In general,  we shall seek to process your request within 10 (ten) business days of receiving it.  
  6. Whilst we respect to your decision to withdraw your consent please note that depending on  the nature and scope of your request, we may not be in a position to continue providing our goods  or services to you and we shall, in such circumstances, notify you before completing the processing  of your request. Should you decide to cancel your withdrawal of consent, please inform us in writing  in the manner described in Clause 1 above.  
  7. Please note that withdrawing consent does not affect our right to continue to collect, use,  and disclosure personal data where such collection, use, and disclosure without consent is permitted  or required under applicable laws. 
  8. Access to and Correction of Personal Data 
  9. If you wish to make an access request for access to a copy of the personal data which we  hold about you or information about the ways in which we use or disclose your personal data OR a  correction request to rectify or update any of your personal data which we hold about you, you may  submit your request in writing or via email to our Data Protection Officer at the contact details  provided below. 
  10. We will respond to your request as soon as reasonable possible. Generally, our response will  be within thirty (30) business days. Should we not be able to respond to your request within that  given time period after receiving your request, we will inform you in writing within thirty (30)  business days of the time by which we will be able to respond to your request. If we are unable to  provide you with any personal data or to make a correction requested by you, we shall generally  inform you of the reasons why we are unable to do so (except where we are not required to do so  under the PA). 
  11. You have a right to withdraw your consent, at any time, by notice in writing to our Data  Protection officer, and to require us to cease or not being processing your personal data for the  purposes of direct marketing.  
  12. Protection of Personal Data 
  13. To safeguard your personal data from unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure,  copying, modification, disposal or similar risks, we have introduced appropriate administrative,  physical, and technical measures. 
  14. You should be aware, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet or method  of electronic storage is completely secure. While security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect  the security of your information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information  security measures. 
  15. Accuracy of Personal Data 

We generally rely on personal data provided by you (or your authorised representative). In order to  ensure that your personal data is current, complete, and accurate, please update us if there are  changes to your personal data by informing our Data Protection Officer in writing or via email at the  contact details provided below. 

  1. Retention of Personal Data 
  2. We may retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which  it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws. 
  3. We shall delete or de-identify all personal information in our possession once all legal  requirements to keep it in an identified form have passed. 
  4. We will cease to retain your personal data upon your express notice to disallow us the  continued use of your information. 
  5. Transfers of Personal Data Outside of Australia 

If there are transfers of personal data to countries outside of Australia, we will obtain your consent  for the transfer to be made and we will take appropriate steps to ensure that your personal data  continues to receive a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that provided under the  PA.  

  1. Use of Cookies 
  2. The Website may place and access certain cookies on your computer and/or any other  electronic device used to access the Website. We use cookies to improve your experience using the  Website and to improve the efficacy of our Services. We have carefully chosen these cookies and had  taken steps to ensure that your privacy is protected and respected at all times.  
  3. Users of the Website are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from  this Website onto their computers and/or other electronic devices, they should take the necessary  steps within their internet browsers’ security settings to block all cookies from this Website.  
  4. You can choose to delete the cookies at any time. However, you may lose any information  that enables you to access the Website more quickly and efficiently including but not limited to  personalisation settings.  
  5. External Websites 

The Website contains links to external websites. We make no representations as to the quality,  suitability, functionality or legality of the material on external websites that are linked to, or to and  goods and services available from, such websites. The material is only provided for your interest and  convenience. We do not monitor or investigate such external websites and we accept no  responsibility or liability for any loss arising from the content or accuracy of the material and any  opinion expressed in the material should not be taken as our endorsement, recommendation, or  opinion. This Notice does not extend to your use of such external websites. You are advised to read  the privacy notice or statement of such external websites before using them.  

  1. Data Protection Officer 

You may contact our Data Protection Officer if you have any enquiries or feedback on our personal  data protection policies and procedures, or if you wish to make any request, in the following manner: 

Contact Number: +61 02 9510 0100 

Email Address: hr.au@jtbap.com 

Address: Town Hall House, Level 18, 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

  1. Effect of Notice and Changes to Notice 
  2. This Notice applies in conjunction with any other notices, contractual clauses, and consent  clauses that apply in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data by us.  
  3. We may revise this Notice from time to time without any prior notice. You may determine if  such revision has taken place by referring to the date on which this Notice was last updated. Your  continued use of our services constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of such changes.  
  4. Information for EU Citizens 

This part of the document integrates with and supplements with the information contained in the  rest of the notice and is provided by the business running this Site and, if the case may be, its parent,  subsidiaries and affiliates (for the purposes of this section referred to collectively as “we”, “us”, and  “our”. 

JTB GDPR Privacy Policy 

The provisions contained in this section apply to all EU citizen users, according to the GDPR. Users  are referred to below, simply as “you”, “your”, and “yours”), and for such consumers, these  provisions supersede any possibility divergent or conflicting provisions containing in the privacy  notice.  

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to JTB Australia Pty Ltd. This Privacy  Notice therefore intends to inform you about how the JTB Australia Pty Ltd, whose entities may act  as data controllers or processors, collect and processes your personal data that you submit or  disclose to us, in the case where the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) applies to such  collection or processing. 

JTB Australia Pty Ltd routinely collects, uses, stores and transfers a variety of data, including Personal  Data. JTB Group is committed to ensure the privacy of Personal Data throughout its global business,  and make sure its employees and business partners also take the necessary measures to protect  Personal Data. 

This Privacy Notice sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you  provide to us, will be processed by us. Our Privacy Notice applies to you in the case where the GDPR  applies to such collection or processing and is available on our website and through other channels.  In all your dealings with us you must ensure that others you may represent are aware of the content  of our Privacy Notice and consent to you on their behalf. 

We encourage you to read this Privacy Notice carefully. If you do not wish your personal data to be  used by us as set out in this Privacy Notice, please do not provide us with your personal data. Please  note that in such a case, we may not be able to provide you with our services, and your customer  experience may be impacted.

  1. Your Personal Data 

This refers to a combination of personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, email  address, travel preference and special needs/disabilities/dietary requirements that you supply us or  is supplied to us, including your social preference, activities and any information about other persons  you represent such as those on your booking. Your personal data is collected when you contact us,  make a booking, use our website(s)/apps, link to or from our website(s)/apps, connect with us via  social media and any other engagement we or our business partner have with you. 

  1. Processing of Your Personal Data 

Data processes 

We may collect and process your personal data for the purposes set out below and disclose your  personal data to the JTB Australia Pty Ltd. companies for business purposes and also to our service  providers who act as ‘controller’ or ‘processor’ on our behalf. These purposes include:  

  1. Fulfilling the contract with you and legal obligations (Articles 6(1)(b) and (c) of the GDPR: In  order for you to travel abroad, it may be mandatory as required by government authorities at the  point of departure and/or destination to disclose and process your personal data for immigration,  border control and/or any other purposes. Also we need to provide airlines/accommodation  providers with your name, passport number, contact details, and other related information in  accordance with their terms and conditions. If you do not provide us with this personal data, we  might not be able to offer our services to you. 
  2. Fulfilling your and our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR): Where it is in both  your and our benefit that we further process your personal data as part of our business  administration, maintaining service quality, customer care, business management, risk  assessment/management, security, and operation purposes. 
  3. Consent: For marketing purposes and other similar data processes that may require your  authorization for their processing (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). We will usually inform you before  collecting your data if we intend to use your data for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your  personal data to any third party for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such  processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we used to collect your data. 
  4. Explicit consent (Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR): Information such as health or religion may be  considered ‘sensitive personal data’ under the GDPR. This personal data might include information  necessary to arrange bookings and travel plans, including your allergies, disabilities, and other  relevant health information. We collect it to provide you with our services, cater to your needs or act  in your interest, and we are only prepared to accept sensitive personal data on the condition that we  have your positive consent. 

We will process your data for as long as possible in order to fulfil our service to you and comply with  the applicable fiscal, tax, securities and commercial law regulations on retention of business and  financial documentation.


Our products and services are intended for adult customers. However, we may knowingly collect and  process personal data on children. On these occasions, we will take account of this event when  processing the personal data of children and implementing the legal basis for such processing. For  example, where the processing of personal data of children is based on their consent such as the  processing of his/her sensitive personal data, we will seek the consent of parents, tutors, or other  adults holding parental responsibility over children, if required under the GDPR. 

Links to other sites 

We may propose hypertext links from our websites to third-party websites or Internet sources. We  do not control and cannot be held liable for third parties’ privacy practices and content. Please read  carefully their privacy policies to find out how they collect and process your personal data. 

Data transfers 

JTB Group 

When we process your personal data, we will store it on our systems located within the European  Economic Area (EEA), which comprises the Member States of the EU, Norway, Iceland and  Lichtenstein, as well as outside the EEA. In the event of a merger, reorganization, acquisition, joint  venture, assignment, spin-off, transfer, or sale or disposition of all or any portion of our business,  including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings, we may transfer any and all  personal data to the relevant third party. 

Your data may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our  suppliers (e.g., travel guides, transportation services). Such staff may be engaged in, among other  things, the provision of support services. 

Service providers 

For the purpose of providing, you with our services, including your booking of flight, hotel, security,  incident/accident management etc., we may disclose and process your personal data outside of the  EEA countries. In order for you to travel abroad, it may be mandatory as required by government  authorities at the point of departure and/or destination to disclose and process your data for  immigration, border control and/or any other purposes. Also we need to provide  airlines/accommodation providers with your name, passport number, contact detail, etc. in  accordance with their terms and conditions. 

Legal compliance and security 

It may be necessary for us – by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and  governmental authorities within or outside your country of residence – to disclose your personal  data. We may also disclose your personal data if we determine that, due to purposes of national  security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, the disclosure is necessary or  appropriate. 

We may also disclose your personal data if we determine in good faith that disclosure is reasonably  necessary to protect our rights and pursue available remedies, enforce our terms and conditions,  investigate fraud, or protect our operations or users.

Safeguards to protect your personal data 

Where we share your data with a data processor, we will put the appropriate legal framework in  place in order to cover such transfer and processing (Articles 26, 28 and 29). Furthermore, where we  transfer your data from EEA to any entity outside the EEA, we will put appropriate legal frameworks  in place, notably Binding Corporate Rules (Article 47 GDPR), controller-to-controller (2004/915/EC)  and controller-to-processor (2010/87/EU) Standard Contract Clauses approved by the European  Commission, in order to cover such transfers (Articles 44 ff. GDPR), or we will share your data based  on rules of the GDPR. 

By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all  steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this  Privacy Notice, in particular, by adopting Standard Contract Clauses (for transfers among certain JTB  companies and with third-parties) where possible. 

  1. Our Records of Data Processes 

We handle records of all processing of personal data in accordance with the obligations established  by the GDPR (Article 30), both where we might act as a controller or as a processor. In these records,  we reflect all the information necessary in order to comply with the GDPR and cooperate with the  supervisory authorities as required (Article 31). 

  1. Security Measures 

We process your personal data in a manner that ensures their appropriate security, including  protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage. We  use appropriate technical or organisational measures to achieve this level of protection (Article 25(1)  and 32 GDPR). 

We will retain your personal information for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined  in this Privacy Notice, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. 

  1. Notification of Data Breaches to the Competent Supervisory Authorities 

In case of breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration,  unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed,  we have the mechanisms and policies in place in order to identify it and assess it promptly.  Depending on the outcome of our assessment, we will make the requisite notifications to the  supervisory authorities and communications to the affected data subjects, which might include you  (Articles 33 and 34 GDPR). 

  1. Processing Likely to Result in High Risk to your Rights and Freedoms 

We have mechanisms and policies in place in order to identify data processing activities that may  result in high risk to your rights and freedoms (Article 35 of the GDPR). If any such data processing  activity is identified, we will assess it internally and either stop it or ensure that the processing is  compliant with the GDPR or that appropriate technical and organisational safeguards are in place in  order to proceed with it.

In case of doubt, we will contact the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority in order to  obtain their advice and recommendations (Article 36 GDPR). 

  1. Your Rights 

You have the following rights: 

– Access to personal data: You have the right to be provided full information about your personal  data that we hold. 

– Data correction: You have the right to require that we correct any incorrect information we hold  about you. 

– Data deletion: You may also have the right to ask that we delete your personal data. Please note  that certain conditions may apply to the exercise of this right. 

– Restriction on processing of personal data: You may have the right to ask that we restrict the use of  your personal data. Please note that certain may conditions apply to the exercise of this right. 

– Object to processing of personal data: You may have the right to object to the use of your personal  data by us. Please note that certain conditions may apply to the exercise of this right. 

– Portability of personal data: You may have the right to receive your personal data in a structured  and commonly used format. Please note that certain conditions may apply to the exercise of this  right. 

– You also have the right to obtain from us a copy of the Binding Corporate Rules or of any Standard  Contract Clauses that we use if we transfer your personal data outside the EEA and take such  arrangement. 

To exercise your rights, or if you require further information about how your personal data is used by  us, you can contact the staff member in charge of your travel or write to us at: hr.au@jtbap.com 

Following is the procedure when you want to execute these rights; 

1) Upon receiving your request, we will contact you to confirm the request is being handled, and we  will indicate the reasonable timeframe for us to respond. 

2) Our special team will make an initial assessment of the request to decide whether it is a valid  request and whether confirmation of identity is required. 

3) If no further action from you is required, we will proceed with the processing of your request. 

4) At the end of our assessment and internal procedure, we will provide a confirmation as to our  compliance or processing of your request. 

5) For any unfounded or excessive (e.g., further repeated) requests, we may charge a reasonable fee  based on administrative costs.

  1. When you want to complain about your personal data 

We have appointed appropriate staff with management support to oversee and ensure compliance  with the GDPR. You can bring complaints in writing by contacting the JTB Data Protection Team at  hr.au@jtbap.com 

JTB Australia Pty Ltd 

Level 18, 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 


You can also contact the JTB Data Protection Team members or other employees to complain about  the way we handle your personal data. The employees to have been confronted with the complaint  will inform you about the contract details to file a complaint in accordance with the present  procedure or pass the complaint to the JTB Data Protection Team whichever appropriate. 

After receiving the complaint, the Data Protection Team will send an acknowledgement of receipt  within one week to you. The confirmation may include further questions necessary for the  clarification of the issues. The Data Protection Team or local Human Resources Department will  provide an answer to you as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than one month upon  receiving the complaint. If, due to complexity of the complaint, a substantive response within one  month cannot be provided, you will be notified with a reasonable estimate of the timeframe, but not  exceeding two months from the notice. 

You may also raise the complaint to the relevant Data Protection Authority or lodge a claim with a  court of competent jurisdiction. 

  1. Changes to our Privacy Notice 

We may revise or update this Privacy Notice from time to time. Any changes we may make to our  Privacy Notice in the future will be posted on this webpage. If we make changes which we believe  are significant, we will inform you through the website to the extent possible and seek your consent  where applicable. 

  1. Contact 

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Notice are welcomed and should be  addressed to 

Town Hall House, Level 18, 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 

Email: hr.au@jtbap.com 

  1. About Cookie 

JTB Australia Pty Ltd (hereinafter “JTB”) automatically collect limited information about your  computer when you visit our site. JTB records the IP address of visitors in the case of a problem  occurring on our server, as well as for statistical purposes. The IP address of a user may be the same  each time, or it may be different – this depends on the method of connection i.e. dial-up or constant  connection (e.g. DSL or cable modem). In both cases, it is extremely difficult to gain personal  information from the IP address of a visitor, and we will never attempt to find out this information  from you.

JTB uses cookie information to provide better services, secure security, analyse and distribute  appropriate advertisements to customers. If you came to our site by clicking on a link on a different  site, we will also record this information. This kind of information helps us understand our users’  preferences and measure the effectiveness of various advertising. It will also help us to customize the  content of our website and to improve our service. All information is collectively integrated into our  database (as opposed to being collected individually from each user) and is used as a general  overview of all our users. 

Third-party companies may distribute advertisements or obtain behavioural information for the  purpose of advertising their company. 

Small data text files called “cookies” will be sent to your computer’s hard drive. These cookies help us  recognize previous visitors and also identify the route history of users. We cannot identify any  personal information stored in these cookies, nor can we gain access to any information stored on  your hard drive. In addition, we cannot access information from cookies sent from other websites.  Information collected will only be used as described above, and also to improve our website. 

Each user can prevent their browser from accepting new cookies, however in this case cookies from  all websites will be blocked, not only cookies sent from JTB. As every browser is different, it is best to  go to the Help portion of the toolbar of your browser to explain how to block cookies. 

※ If you change browser, delete cookie, etc., you need to set opt-out and opt-in again



– JTB PTE LTD / JTB Asia Pacific Headquarters  

– JTB PTE LTD / JTB Singapore office  

– JTB (Thailand) Ltd.  

– Japan Travel Bureau (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd  

– PT. JTB Indonesia  

– 世帝喜旅行社股份有限公司 

– JTB-TNT (JTB Vietnam)  

– JTB India Private Limited  

– Tour East Singapore (1996) Pte Ltd  

– JTB Asia Pacific Phil. Corp. 

– PT. Panorama JTB Tours Indonesia  

– BIG S’ Holiday Pte. Ltd.  

– JTB Oceania Pty Ltd  

– JTB Australia Pty Ltd  

– JTB New Zealand Limited 


JTB Australia Pty Ltd
Level 18, 456 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

JTB Australia Pty Ltd ABN 99 003 218 728

Please read the full version of the JTB Australia Privacy Policy and the JTB Australia Privacy Complaint Handling Procedure here.

General Booking Terms & Conditions

Please read the booking conditions carefully as they incorporate the basis upon which bookings are accepted by JTB Australia.

Deposit & Balance Payment: 

General (non-ski) Arrangements

  • Require a 20% non-refundable deposit before securing any arrangements
    Full payment no later than 30 days prior to departure

Ski Arrangements

  • Require a 30% non-refundable deposit before securing any arrangements
    Full payment no later than 90 days prior to departure


Certain exceptions may apply, subject to supplier payment requirements. You will be notified the exact payment deadline at time of confirmation.
Please note that deposit payments only hold and confirm your booking, due to exchange rate fluctuations and airfare tax increases, all prices are not secure until your booking has been paid in full.

Please note that these are our general booking conditions therefore depending on when the booking was made and also the products included, the due dates and amounts may differ. Your travel consultant will advise you the exact amounts and due dates on the above confirmation.

If for any reason the deposit or full payment is not received by us on the due dates, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled and apply the appropriate cancellation charges. The deposit will be forfeited.

Refunds & Cancelations 

Should you or a member of your party cancel your booking or any part of your booking, you must advise your booking agent in writing. The letter/email must come from the person who made the original booking. Cancellations by phone will not be accepted. Cancellation charges are subject to cover estimated costs. 

General Land Arrangements

  • After confirmation 20% plus any charges levied by hoteliers and/or land operators.
    10% of the booking will be charged as a cancelation fee, 10% will be held in credit for future travel of up to 12 months. Please note that any credits are strictly non-transferrable and cannot be used by other travellers. 

Air Arrangements 

  • $220 per person cancelation charge plus any cancelation charges as required by the Airline. In certain circumstances cancellation fees may be subject to GST and will therefore be charged to you.

Ski Arrangements

  • Until 91+ days prior: 30% (loss of deposit) plus supplier charges
    From 90-61 days prior: 50% plus supplier charges
    From 60-31 days prior: 75% plus supplier charges
    From 30 days prior: 100%
  • Please note that any credits are strictly non-transferrable and cannot be used by other travellers. 


A$10 JTB administration fee applies to all refunds.

To the full extent permitted by law, no refunds are available after the travel/trip has commenced, in respect of any tours, accommodation, meals or and services not utilised.

Should you or a member of your party with to cancel your booking or any part of your booking, you must advise JTB Australia in writing by email. Cancellations by phone will not be accepted. Cancellations are subject to a charge to cover estimated costs plus any charges levied by hoteliers or suppliers: sydres.au@jtbap.com (NSW, VIC, ACT, WA, QLD, WA, TAS, SA) / melres.au@jtbap.com (All travel agents).

Amendment Fees:

After deposit has been received, amendment or re booking fees of A$60.00 per file per amendment shall apply. In addition airlines may also charge a fee.

Please note that an amendment is limited to a name change or schedule change (not including date change) only. Anything else involving a date change is considered a cancelation and re-book and therefore cancelation terms will apply. Please see our refunds and cancelation terms above. 

Changes in Prices & Itineraries:

In this time of escalating prices and economic instability, it is impossible to predict accurately fluctuations in exchange rates or increases to the cost elements of tours. JTB does not have control of airfares, fuel, airport and airlines taxes and surcharges, hotel rates and other service provider’s rates. In the event of such fluctuations or increases affecting the prices which JTB pay for transportation, hotel accommodation and other services, we reserve the right to adjust our prices as may be necessary at any time up to and including the day that final payment is made.

If we are forced to change your booking or part of your booking for any reason beyond our control, we reserve the right to vary your itinerary and will endeavour to give you notice thereof. In the event that any one change or series of changes to your itinerary demonstrates that your tour has thereby become materially different from the contemplated prior to the changes being effected and in respect of, we have accepted your deposit or full payment, you have the right to ask for a rearrangement or to withdraw from the tour and all monies will be refunded less any charges levied by suppliers.

It is essential you check with your booking agent whether any such changes have occurred in your tour before you complete your final payment. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your tour because of events outside our control, we will, if we are able to, offer you an alternative tour of similar standard. If you do not accept this alternative tour, we will refund in full any monies already paid.

Late Booking Fee:

A late booking fee of $55.00 per file will apply to package bookings requested within 7 days of departure.

Travel & Accommodation:

It is important to note that all bookings with JTB are subject to the terms and conditions and limitations of liability imposed by airlines, coach operators, hoteliers, and other service providers, including but not limited to shipping, rail, car hire and restaurants, whose services we utilise. Some of which limit or exclude liability in respect to death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage and JTB’s liability is excluded or limited accordingly.

Not Included in Tour Price:

Interstate and intrastate passengers are responsible for the cost of their own travel arrangements from their hometown to and from their choice of the international departure city. The price of any accommodation in Australia, passport, and visa costs where applicable, are not included in the tour price, nor are items of a personal nature such as laundry, taxis, telephone calls, excess baggage charges, insurance, porterage, drinks, meals and room service, unless specified.

Booking Arrangements:

All booking arrangements must be made through JTB or your local AFTA or licensed travel agent. The person affecting the booking shall be deemed to have accepted the booking conditions on behalf of all persons named in the booking. The contract will be governed by and subject to the booking conditions and to the general information unless stated otherwise in writing and with the authority of JTB all communications will be sent to your agent. Your agent upon receipt of any tour monies, shall hold such monies for each and every person named in the booking until the booking is confirmed. At which time those monies shall be paid to JTB within 7 days as a deposit.

Travel Insurance:

We strongly recommend that at the time of booking you purchase travel insurance.

Your Obligation & Warranties:

In consideration of JTB Australia permitting you to book on-line, you warrant to us that: (a) you are at least 18 years old and have the power and authority to enter into a binding contract with us and with the carriers of product and services that you acquire; (b) the information you provide us about yourself is true, accurate, current as required. When making an on-line booking, you must enter details of each traveler correctly and accordingly to their passport. JTB has no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the incorrect entry of a traveler’s name or as a result of the carrier’s policies.

Payment by Credit Card:

JTB does not accept credit card payments from a 3rd party without written authorisation from the card holder together with a copy of the front and back of the card used to make the purchase.

Liability of JTB:

It is important to note that all bookings with JTB are subject to the terms and conditions and limitations of liability imposed by the airline carrier and suppliers. Some of which limit or exclude liability in respect to death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage and JTB’s liability is excluded or limited accordingly. All bookings must be made through JTB Australia. The person making the booking shall be deemed to have accepted the booking conditions on behalf of all persons named in the booking. JTB shall assume liability incurred by the client due to willful or negligent acts on the part of JTB or its agent in charge of the booking arrangements during the course of the travel. Subject to the matters set out below, all warranties and conditions implied by statute or generally at law are excluded to the maximum extent of the law. Neither JTB nor its agents make any representation or undertaking as to the services provided by JTB except as set out in this document.

If the services supplied by JTB are supplied subject to the prescribed warranties and conditions of the Trade Practices Act (the “Act”) or similar legislation and the Act or similar legislation prohibits the extent to which JTB can exclude, restrict or modify the application of the Act or its liability for breach of those warranties or conditions, JTB’s liability for breach of any such condition or warranty will be limited, if such a limitation is permitted under Section 68A at JTB’s option to:

  • Supply the services again or
  • Pay for the cost of having the services supplied again. JTB shall not be liable for damages incurred by the client owing to the reasons listed herein under and those similar thereto
  • Natural disaster, war disturbances, acts of terror, uprisings and alternation or cancellation of the tour itinerary due to such causes;
  • Accidents of fire related to transportation, accommodation facilities, and alteration or cancellation of the tour itinerary due to such causes;
  • Orders of either Japanese or foreign government officials, immigration regulations, isolation as the result of infectious disease and alteration or cancellation due to such causes;
  • Accidents occurring during the passengers free activities;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Theft;
  • Delays and stoppages, alterations of schedule on route in relation to transportation facilities, flights, and alterations or cancellation due to such causes;
  • Any liability will be reduced proportionately by the extent to which the willful or negligent act or omission on the part of the client caused or contributed to the liability, loss, expense or other similar cost; and
  • Any case that is beyond the control of JTB.

Law of Contract:

The contract is governed in all respects by the law of the state of NSW and any legal action arising under the contract shall be litigated in the appropriate court, having jurisdiction in that state. By making any payment towards a booking, the passenger has agreed to the conditions set on this website. JTB has the right to change or cancel the programme if necessary.

Japan Rail Pass

Names printed on the JR pass, must be as per passport, including any middle names. 


  • A refund can be issued only prior to departing Australia and the original exchange coupon has been sent back to the office of purchase. A 20% cancellation fee will be charged. 10% of the booking will be charged as a cancelation fee, 10% will be held in credit for future travel of up to 12 months.
    Credit card surcharge is non refundable. Please note that after the pass has been exchanged in Japan, the ticket is non-changeable and non-refundable.


  • After purchase and voucher issuance, a re-issue fee of $60 per change will apply for any name correction (This applies to corrections only. Completely different names will be treated as a cancellation), plus any delivery and credit card surcharges will apply. You must send the original exchange coupon back to the office of purchase.
  • Neither an exchange coupon nor a Japan Rail Pass can be reissued if lost or stolen.


Once you have purchased your tickets and they have been confirmed by JTB, they are strictly non changeable and non refundable. JTB does not take any responsibility for lost or stolen tickets.

Airport Transfers

Once you have purchased your tickets and they have been confirmed by JTB, they are non changeable and non refundable. JTB does not take any responsibility for lost or stolen tickets.   

Flight Bookings

Please read the booking conditions carefully as they incorporate the basis upon which bookings are accepted by JTB Australia.

Domestic & International Airfare Conditions
Airfare conditions vary with airlines. Some fares have special requirements and payment deadlines. Please check these with your booking agent.

There are numerous rules and regulations affecting most advance purchase and other discounted air fares, which involve substantial cancellation or amendment fees, and in some instances there are no refunds whatsoever on cancelled air tickets should you need to amend or cancel your travel plans. If you have any queries regarding these fees please do not hesitate to contact JTB Australia. You must read the rules and check the conditions applicable to every airfare and ensure that you accept those rules and conditions before you make a booking. Once you confirm a booking and make payment you are bound by the rules and conditions applicable to the relevant Airline carrier.

Airline Ticket Re-issue
If changes are made to your tickets, airline reissue fees, any fare and/or tax differential cost apply plus an additional $110 JTB administration service fee will apply. In most instances tickets are non changeable and non refundable. Please contact JTB Australia for details.  

Ticket Cancellation
If a cancellation is made to your ticket, airline cancellation fees will apply plus an additional $220 cancelation fee. In most instances tickets are non changeable and non refundable. Please contact JTB Australia for details.

All flights bookings made on this website are subject to the carrier’s conditions of carriage.

Once full payment has been made, JTB Australia reserves the right to charge cancellation or amendment fees to cover our administration costs. This fee is in addition to any charged levied by the Airline carrier. Please note that the conditions for particular Airfares may not permit refunds. If we are obliged to cancel your booking for any reason, our liability will be limited to a refund of all monies paid by you less any cancellation fees and subject to the Airline carriers terms and conditions.

Flight Time Changes
It is your responsibility to contact the airline prior to departure to ensure there is no change to the scheduled departure time. JTB Australia does not accept responsibility for amended flight timings or numbers.

Credit Card
Any booking made with JTB is subject to your credit card approval for the transaction. If your credit card is not approved, we will contact you but accept no responsibility for any costs incurred in the event we are unable to contact you.

If for any reason the Airline carrier does not provide the products or service which you have contracted to acquire, the liability is against the provider only and not against JTB. If payment for such a product was made to JTB by credit card, by accepting these booking conditions, you agree that you will not seek to charge back your credit card payment to JTB Australia.

Frequent Flyer Customers
We do not offer advice on Frequent Flyer eligibility on flights that we advertise on our site or that you have booked. For more information on whether your airfare is eligible for Frequent Flyer rewards, you must contact the airline directly. When booking online, you must ensure that you have entered your correct number in the special section feature in the booking engine. JTB Australia does not accept responsibility if your airline does not register your frequent flyer points on your trip. Please note if you are a frequent flyer member you should retain your air ticket and boarding pass as JTB Australia cannot be held responsible for obtaining copies of your air ticket at any future date.

The free baggage allowance for the international travel varies with airlines. Excess baggage charges are the responsibility of the passenger.

Passport & Visa
All individuals departing from Australia must be in possession of a valid passport. If your passport is due to expire within six months of your return arrival back in Australia then under normal circumstances you should obtain a new passport. Visas, including transit visas, are the passengers own responsibility. For more information please log on to: www.dfat.gov.au or www.smarttraveller.gov.au. Please check with the respective Embassy or Consulate of each country that you are travelling to, as many destinations require visas for both Australia’s and non Australian passport holders. For more information, log on to www.visalink.com.au.

Travel Insurance
We strongly recommend that all clients take out travel comprehensive insurance when making a booking. We recommend that insurance covers loss of deposit and other monies through cancellation, loss or damage to personal baggage and loss of money, medical expenses, additional expenses to cover hotel accommodation and repatriation costs to Australia should any services need to be extended or curtailed due to illness or other insurable risk. Please note that restrictions on the time to effect insurance apply to some services such as airfares. Please contact us to arrange travel insurance before making payment for a service.

Health & Immigration
Passengers should familiarise themselves with any health or visa requirements that may apply to the areas they intend visiting. Passengers shall be responsible for all entry, exit, health and other documents required by law, regulations, orders, demands or requirements of countries being visited or transited. Each passenger shall carry a valid passport at all times. Visas are the responsibility of the passenger and JTB is not liable for any loss or expense due to a passenger’s failure to comply with the above.

Pre-departure Contact
It is essential to ensure that you advise your booking agent of a 24 hour contact number.

Changes in prices & itineraries
Prices on this website are based on tariffs and airfares current as of 01 February 2014. In this time of escalating prices and economic instability, it is impossible to predict accurately fluctuations in exchange rates or increases to the cost elements of tours. JTB does not have control of airfares, fuel, airport and airlines taxes and surcharges. In the event of such fluctuations or increases affecting the prices which JTB pay for transportation and other services, we reserve the right to adjust our prices as may be necessary at any time up to and including the day that final payment is made.

If we are forced to change your booking or part of your booking for any reason beyond our control, we reserve the right to vary your itinerary and will endeavour to give you notice thereof. In the event that any one change or series of changes to your itinerary demonstrates that your tour has thereby become materially different from the contemplated prior to the changes being effected and in respect of, we have accepted your deposit or full payment, you have the right to ask for a rearrangement or to withdraw from the tour and all monies will be refunded less any charges levied by suppliers.

It is essential you check with your booking agent whether any such changes have occurred in your tour before you complete your final payment. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your tour because of events outside our control, we will, if we are able to, offer you an alternative tour of similar standard. If you do not accept this alternative tour, we will refund in full any monies already paid.