Need to get from Haneda Airport to Narita Airport to catch your connecting flight? This is the fastest, easiest and most affordable way to do it. Secure your voucher today.
Making sure you catch your connecting flight can be a stressful and frightening experience. You can help simplify things and make the process easier by purchasing your Haneda to Narita limousine pass ahead of time. Fast, clean and efficient you’ll discover a stress-free way to make sure you’re on time for your next flight. For full timetable go to http://www.limousinebus.co.jp/en. Please note you cannot book your voucher on this site, to book you’ll need to return to this page.
You require a physical pre-paid coupon from JTB Australia in your final documentation. You will need to collect this from either our JTB Sydney or Melbourne office or select delivery option prior to your departure from Australia. Bus coupons are non refundable.